Thursday, December 3, 2009

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?,2933,2560...

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

While Wrights comments are deplorable, and despicable, it does force us to consider something even greater than Barracks閳ユ獨 run for the presidency and that is the 8,000 members on trinity閳ユ獨 roll.

For a church to rise from 100 to 8,000 members listening to this trash makes me more concern for race relations than any faux noose incident could have done. The fact that these people when hearing this trash did not with one voice, stop it and demand that wright leave speaks volumes about their character and witness of Jesus Christ in their lives. A person is judged by the company that they keep; if you have close friends that are openly racist, you associate with them and then you are ledgiteably (sp?) open to critism for your beliefs and actions.

The God that I serve does not preach hatred of people, but love and justice without resorting to slurs. The 閳ユ笓ove your neighbor閳?concept seems to be missing from trinity and have to wonder what bible translation they are reading from.

The fact that there are mosques/churches in this country preaching the gospel of racism that is merely accepted by sheep, given a pass from the MSM, and illustrates that the New Media (hint bloggers, conservative talk radio, and etc) were right after all.

And blacks wonder why the other ethnic groups are apprehensive about getting along with them. Until black ethnics start to fight for the equality for all (not just for their own) then-and only then will America become more racially tolerant. Ironically its the latinos, whites, asians, Native-Americans, Filipinos, conservative blacks and etc are the only ones doing this.

It is pretty hard to 閳ユ笓ove your neighbor as yourself閳?while at the same time preaching that your neighbors are your oppressors.

How any self-respecting christian person can sit in a pew IN CHURCH and listen to this hogwash - the vitriol, the cussing, and the hate .

I think Wright閳ユ獨 church congregation should be made to attend diversity training to learn how to get along with people of other races and religions. It閳ユ獨 clear they have been seriously mislead.

I閳ユ獡 a Republican and conservative and hate every vile word Wright puked up, but I will not hold it against Barack no more that I would hold Mitt accountable for being Mormon. Nor would I want any of you calling me a child molester for being Catholic.

閳ユ窔njustice anywhere, is injustice everywhere閳?MLK

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

hopefully he is finally exposed for what he really is...


I've been saying that for over a year now.

Everyone is finally catching on.

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

hopefully he will still do well I don't hold him accountable because of his pastors hateful rhetoric

Obama 08

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

I think his dreams of becoming president are shattered.

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

It is pretty much over for him now, the poor guy doesn`t have a chance.

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

Hopefully this will finally wake people up and he will do very poorly.

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

If I was Obama, I'd kick his *** for blowing my chances at the presidency so thoroughly and completely.

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

Badly i hope ! but I'm glad it's been discovered before it's to late, how a large proportion of Black's really think of non black Americans


How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

He will claim that he never paid attention in church, which will - in the eyes of the press, make him a hero! For he wasn't into this whole fallacy of Christian faith leading anyone to truth. It wasn't uttered by his own lips, something that his wife can attest to, if she is even allowed to speak any more give her whole 'proud of America for the first time in her adult life'' thingie. Obama offers us change ... hmmm. Seems like the same old, same old, to me. Someone grabbing power by whatever means necessary.

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

Gee, wonder why the first source(s) you have listed is Fox?


Those that want to have the "crazy minister" debate should check out McCain's friends: John Hagee, Pat Robinson, Jerry Farwell, Rod Parsley. They make Wright look like a Boy Scout.

I don't think this matter will even come up in the general for that very reason.

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

Obama has tried to stop his real agenda from coming out. The comments of his pastor are the same feelings he has. If he disagreed so much with his pastor, I would think he would have looked for a new church. Obama refuses to discuss issues because if people saw what he really believes in, they would have never elected him to any post. He is a socialist!

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

He will do great

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

lets hope true Americans wake up and vote for Hillary

obama is done finished end of story

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

I hope people realises what they were voting for a racist, and i hope they think about what that would do to america to have someone like that running america

How will Obama do After the Comments Made by His Pastor?

Well, it looks like the democratic nominee might be Hillary against John McCain...! Either way, I'm sure the Republicans are prepared for it.

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