Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm considering the freemasons, any comments?

I'm considering the freemasons lifestyle, and have done a lot of research about this society. However, I have also heard a lot of negative things about the freemasons, such as it being a 'cult'. I know how to join, and where to do so, but if there is anything that I should know before committing myself to the brotherhood, or anything in general that you find interesting about the freemasons, please tell me.

Also, my friends have warned me that joining the freemasons will have a negative impact on my future family and career. Any comments?

I'm considering the freemasons, any comments?

I am a Freemason.

Freemasonry is a social fraternity that studies morality through ritual, symbol and allegory. Its main tenets are faith, hope and charity. It is a great, and good, organization with a very long history.

It is not a cult, nor a religion.

In the US, it cannot have any impact on your career, that is the Law and I'm sure its similar elsewhere.

Being a freemason will make you a better citizen, religious person, husband, father, son, brother, etc...

to some others:

* The official position of the Vatican is that you are NOT excommunicated, but you are considered "in grave sin and cannot receive Holy Communion" this stems from a ban of all groups because the Vatican was paranoid that certain, non masonic groups in Italy in the 1700's were plotting secretly for control of the people over the Vatican - it has nothing to do with religion, God, etc...

* the ENTIRE satan/luciferian thing stems from a joke that Leo Taxil played on freemasonry be creating a story based on Albert Pike's book, Taxil admitted he was lying and made it all up. I assure you, there is nothing satanic within any form of freemasonry

I'm considering the freemasons, any comments?

I am not a mason, so I cannot say what happens if you join. I know it is a secret fraternal soceity which has murder and intrigue throughout its history.

Also, for a Catholic, joining equals instant excommuncation, as one of the stated goals of the freemasons is the destruction of the Catholic Church.

Whatever you decide, good luck!

I'm considering the freemasons, any comments?

Are you hoping we will talk you out of it? Or are you hoping that we will be shocked and you will get rebel points for that?

You are asking this as if you are inviting criticism.

If you want to do it, do it. Why are you asking us? Its no more a cult then any other religion. If its a cult then so are many other religions.

Do what you want to do. You won't make a very good freemason if you need approval from everyone.

I'm considering the freemasons, any comments?

I heard they worship Satan. But you won't find this out until you get to a certain level, which you have to earn. Also, I know people who personally have been in the freemasons, and they told me that they all have certain signs and symbols or certain handshakes they use with there hands to indicate that they are a freemanson. This one time this lady said they had a meeting, and everyone set in the dark. I didn't bother to hear the rest. It was too creepy. DON'T JOIN.

I'm considering the freemasons, any comments?

Ah... coming from a long line of Masons from both sides of my family, all I can say is GOOD LUCK!!

I'm considering the freemasons, any comments?

I love it. There is nothing about it that should be negative except people that don't know about and think it is something bad. As with most things in life you get out of it what you put into it. As far as what do you have to lose, a few dollars and an evening of your life. What I mean, if it is not to your liking, just quit or don't participate. It is not like joining the Mafia.

Those that are warning you, aren't Masons, and are only quoting from anti-masonic sites that also are misinformed.

I am a 32 degree Mason and Shriner. Feel free to e-mail me any questions.


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