Sunday, December 6, 2009

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

Geraldine Ferraro: It's only because Barack Obama is a black man

Posted by Toby Harnden on 11 Mar 2008 at 07:43

Tags: Racism, Hillary Clinton, Race, Democrats, Barack Obama, US Elections, Geraldine Ferraro

Full coverage of the US elections 2008

Some truly jaw-dropping comments published today from Geraldine Ferraro, Walter Mondale's vice-presidential pick in 1984 and now a top Hillary Clinton ally. "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any colour) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

Geraldine Ferraro

Staunch Clinton backer Geraldine Ferraro

What? So being black, with the middle name Hussein and a Muslim-born father is just a walk in the park compared to the sexism faced by a white, upper-middle-class woman who just happens to be married to a former president and can claim every accomplishment of his as her own (apart from the inconvenient ones)

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

Wow. I just lost a ton of respect for Ferraro. I thought she was someone who cared about our country first and a champion of women's rights second. I guess I got the order wrong.

To imply that Obama's oratory skills and his mind as a debater (president of his Ivy league university's lawyer group) would somehow be made irrelevant if his skin was white hits me as beyond ignorant and well into the realms of being purposefully deceitful.

If Obama was white and graduated from an Ivy league law school after being elected president of the lawyer group at that university, If he gave up certain gross wealth to go work to help poor Black chicago, is she seriously argueing he wouldn't have MORE support than he does now?

He would be a much more compelling version of John Edwards and would have totally owned this race months ago. Unlike Edwards, he would have been seen as someone who "walked the walk", he wouldn't have a ridiculously expensive haircut, and he would still be a far better stump speaker than Edwards OR Clinton.

And if he were a white woman who did that? He'd be mother freaking Teresa!

How duplicitous can you get? Shame on you, Mrs. Ferraro.


It should be noted that until the Clinton's made the calculated decision to drive off the black vote in an effort to paint Obama as a "black only" candidate, Obama was only getting about 2/3 of the black vote. Older Blacks were Hillary fans. Since Bills's "Jesse Jackson comment" in SC, Obama has been getting ~80-85%.

Ferraro is lending her voice to the race arguement to give it legitimacy. It is the equivilant of Bush supporter Rudy Guiliani loudly proclaiming that Bush won the last Bush/Kerry debate. It is a political tactic and one I thought beneath Ferraro.

There has been a long partnership between mostly white "traditional" feminists and black voters in the Democratic party. (That I have seen, and I admit I could be wrong here, African American feminists have slightly different agendas than white feminists.) Shady Rovian acts like this are not going to help keep things important to feminists, like the supreme court not undoing "Roe vs. Wade".

I implore feminists to condemn their leaders if they take these kinds of actions. It is perfectly fair to push clinton until she wins or gets out. I have no problem with that.

It is not only unfair to go nuclear in the nomination process if your candidate isn't winning, it breaks the compact that has made up the Democratic party and puts roe vs. wade at risk by hurting Dem chances in the general election.

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

Any time someone gets around 95% of the vote of a particular population segment, these type of questions are raised. I think it is an unfortunate statement made by a former politician who should know better.

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

Hard to tell... the democrat party is in such disarray that one cannot truly tell the truth from deception.

I know that the Clintons are master manipulators and that Obama is no less able to deceive.

For conservatives, its the persons ideals and character that matter most, hence, we stood with Reagan AND Thomas as well as Thatcher.

Liberal Democrats have shown are far less...discerning....ability to choose their candidates and in many cases adultry, theft, drunkenness and even Clan membership are resume enhancements over sound character.

Liberal Democrats have become, in many ways, the anti-thesis of conservatives.

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

To answer your question, "feminists" feel you have taken her comments out of context.

Second, her first name is spelled "Geraldine." Third, why not throw this question out to everyone; it is only because of your own prejudice that you ask it of 'feminists." Geraldine Ferraro incurred sexism herself when she ran on the ticket with Mondale. Your hate is showing here. It is unfortunate.

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

He is just an average candidate who happens to be black, a fact that is helping him out tremendously. Hillary is an outstanding candidate that happens to be female, a fact that is hurting her a lot.

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

Obamas doing well because people want a complete change. Black and muzzie - doesn't get much further from the norm than that!

Clinton would be doing much better if she actually represented change. Shes a woman yes, but shes still a Clinton. Its just more of the same, but with t1ts and a55.

If she does get in, I trust all the feminists will be shutting the fek up, with the good fight won? Thought not....

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

well, look at who Obama's main supporters are. he has recived the majority of the black vote. now, why did the black voters vote for him? could it be because he

Hialry Clinton has received the same kind of flack, but for being a woman. Her personal life, her husband'd affairs, her manner of dress...all of these things have been addressed.

do i think Obama is a viable candidate? Yes. but i do think he is lucky to be a minority in this race. There has never been a female president or a black president; some people are going to throw their support to these candidates simply because of that.

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

So if Hillary wasn't a woman, she wouldn't be in her position, either? Nice try, Ms. Ferraro. (I actually have to thank her for this. Maybe it'll take some votes away from Hillary in Penn.)

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

Archer Christfori, are you even old enough to remember Reagan's presidency? I am and I remember very well just how scandal ridden his administration was. In fact, a major scandal called Iran-contra dominated his second term and he just barely missed facing impeachment charges. No, he has been the biggest beneficiary of spin doctoring I have ever seen. Those who weren't around while he was president or were too young to really remember believe what they've been told. I've even asked some of them if they have ever heard of Iran-contra. Surprisingly enough, many of them haven't.

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

Ferraro is silly. If the public is so enamored with the idea of a black man in office, why didn't Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton attain what Barack has?

Because it had nothing to do with race - just the man.

Do US Feminists agree with Gerladine Ferraro's comments on Obama?

That woman is funny! Mrs. Ferraro wants to polarize caucasian woman and have caucasian men think that Obama is attacking her cause she's white and a woman. [No offense but that is her stra. and tactic] Obama's mother is caucasian, why in the world would he be sexist towards caucasian women. His sister is half caucasian and half asian, COME ON! I don't think that bull crap is gonna work. It will back fire badly! Hillary's camp are the only people injecting race and gender in the campain. Point to one particular situation when Obama injected race to rally votes? She has repeatedly said, vote for me because I am a woman. She is protraying her self as a fighter and doing it all in the wrong ways. I once admired Hillary and Bill. The only votes she will get is from loyal supporters that don't give a crap about what flys out of her mouth. Oh, and Republicans that want to beat her.

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