Sunday, December 6, 2009

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for t

Are they just looking for something. (wouldn't that be like a heterosexual leaving rude comments in a gay/lesbian section or a white racist calling someone the "N" word on an African-Amer section.

I'm sick of athiests putting down, challenging, or being ugly to Christians (or others) for what they believe.

Maybe they should have their own athiest section. (And if they do, why are they always commenting in this section; stay in your own!!)

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Well, as a preacher once told about a man who was a hypocrite who was sitting in a church pew. Apparently this bothered someone in the congregation and they asked why he was allowed to sit in the church, and the pastor said, "I can't think of a better place for him to be than right here, at least while he is here he will hear the word."

Yes, doesn't that make sense?...I'm glad they are here, it shows they are still searching. Atheists are lost and confused, and like people in other situations, such as when dealing with people of other races and nationalities we don't understand, it's easier to criticize them than to try and understand them.

Some find it's easier to mock others whom they don't understand, it gives them a sense of power, of being one step above them in some way. It's human nature to want to pull someone down to your level rather than rise to theirs.

It's okay, Atheists welcome here, who knows, you must may be saved after all...I pray so!

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?



They'll stay out of this section when Christians stay out of the gay section.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

(not even meant for them?)

You do realize this is an open forum?

N00B telling us how to act... news at 11:00

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Ever hear the phrase, "You can dish it out, but you can't take it"? Christian fundamentalists have been on the attack for years now, trying to deny rights to homosexuals, trying to outlaw abortions, trying to keep women from obtaining equal rights, and trying to impose their own morals - many of them non-biblical - on the rest of society. Non-Fundamentalists are finally fighting back by speaking out against their campaigns, their media onslaughts, and their mistaken notions of truth, and the Fundamentalists don't like it very much. They can dish it out, but they can't take it. So when people of good conscience stand up for their rights, Fundamentalists cry foul play.

The reason why atheists come here is because this is not the "%26lt;insert religious cult's name here%26gt; freaks only" section.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

maybe you should just grow up and learn to accept the fact others may disagree with you and might even challenge you in your beliefs.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)? a atheist section, so we atheists won't continue bothering all the god fans!!

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

You don't think Christians ought to be challenged? What, because they're so thin skinned or because their faith is so flimsy?

Oh, and who do you think this section is "meant for"? Only the religious and spiritual? *BUZZ* Wrong. This is the section in which it's appropriate to post questions and answers pertaining to the subject. It's NOT an exclusive club house for Christians or those who believe in the existence of deities.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

People tell me I cannot go in the cookie jar either... but that doesn't stop me....

I leave answers because of two words... Freedom of Speech...

Dang... that's three... aw well what can you do?

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

So they are TOTALLY innocent? As it is they don't ask and even spew hateful comments about atheists as well? Are atheists suppose to sit back and just let it slide? Once again this section is open to anyone religion or no religion spirituality or none.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Number 10, we have number 10.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Oh what a pleasant person you are. How long did it take to write this question?...... longer than the few seconds it takes to look at "similar questions."


Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Atheism is a religion, except we don't kill people as much. And if we had our own section i would be there all the time and leave you loonies to your Jesus orgy.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Same reasons Christians do the same things. Think about it.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

I'm wondering why so many Christians are in this section when clearly they belong in the Mythology %26amp; Folklore section.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

1. Stop being so sensitive

2. Atheism is about religion, therefore it belongs here, whether you like it or not.

3. This gets asked 100 times a week. Learn to deal.

4. Christians are just as rude.

5. This is not the "Christian only section" like Christians like to think. Hardly anyone else but the Muslims dare to post because of the Christians attitude on here. Without the Atheists, the Christians would never allow anyone else to post.

Edit: *drink* is a reference to this being one of the many questions that get asked every bloody day because people can't be bothered to use the search function. *drink* means "everybody take a drink of booze because this stupid question just got asked yet again". Its a drinking party.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Come on you really think that if we had an atheist section, you Christians wouldn't come running in leaving rude comments?

Most Christians belittle atheists even more than atheists do the Christians! At least you don't find atheists killing Christians for their beliefs...

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

If your faith is so frail that you can't handle a challenge to your belief system...maybe you should question how strong your faith actually is.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Oh help we are being persecuted and challenged....

What are you guys going to be like when the US follows Europe and you aren't a huge majority anymore? Holy crap you whine a lot already.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Why does anyone here put down, challenge or be ugly to anyone? it's not just Atheist and please do not lump us all together I do not do this. I try to talk rationally to those that put us down and maybe try to get them to actually understand us for once!!!!! Or at the very least tolerate that we are different!

I need a beer! *drinks*

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

The Lord looks down from heaven and laughs at the wicked. For He seeth that their day is coming. Listen to God's Word and don't worry what mere man has to say against us because we have won the victory already. There's nothing any non-believer can say or do to change that, so rejoice and pray for them because that is what Jesus asks us to do.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Lots of people, including Christians, leave rude comments. Ugly comments are ugly regardless of who makes them. This forum is a public one so anyone at any time can say anything they want in any category. Nobody has "their own" section in the public domain.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Why exactly is religion and spirituality not for Atheists?

Are you insinuating that Atheists can not be spiritual people?

Talk about rude challenging and ugly..

I am sure your deity of choice would be proud of you if he/she/it existed.

Have a nice evening. Or should that be blessed be...

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

It is because they do not have a religion or a spirituality beliefs.

Some are curious and seek answers which is always welcomed by Christians alike.

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

How absolutely bizarre. Why can't we just take care of our beliefs and share them with others without the sarcasm or nastiness . Besides, most everyone is rude. including Christian to Christian, atheist to atheist, atheists to Christians and Christians to atheist. Do you think this is something new?? At least we're not killing each other.

As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall without end...amen amen

Blessed be

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Ok..So now go through all the comments and "answers" you have received here and see if you can't spot the nastiness coming from both sides...

I never go out of my way to be nasty to Christians... I think live and let live alone...

What raises my ire is when I see people post things like: Why are all atheists so mean? Or When are you Atheists going to realize you are wrong?

There is far too much self-entitlement in this world, and therefore people are incapable of not being rude to one another...

Sheesh..Let it go...

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

They're just dumbasses who are too immature to accept the fact that God DOES exsist and that they will be cast down in the firey depths of Hell when they die... in this case, very soon if I get a hold of a smart- alecky atheist!

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

Because they don't have anything else to talk about.

Praise God

Remember the old saying...there are no athiest in foxholes...

Why do so many athiests leave rude comments in a religion/spirituality section (not even meant for them?)?

One word sin! They like dragging you in to the mud with them. Sadly to say some time it gets to me.

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