Sunday, December 6, 2009

How to deal with other people's comments?

My daughter is very small for her age. We have brought her to many doctors and have had all sorts of testing and check-ups. Her doctor says she is 100% healthy. It is completely genetic as she comes from a long line of women barely over the 5 foot mark.

Anyways, my daughter is starting 1st grade next week and I just know that we are going to get even more comments then we did in Kindergarten. She is 6 years old but, looks like she is 4.

At her Kindergarten graduation when they called my daughter up to receive her diploma there was a lady sitting in front of us making kind of rude comments. I don't think she realized that we were the parents of my daughter. Anyways she said something along the lines of "That just can't be possible. How did that little girl graduate?" I am guessing she thought my daughter was way younger. I wanted to say something but, decided not to.

This is just one situation out of many that we have had to endure. Continued...

How to deal with other people's comments?

Remind your daughter that she's beautiful and intelligent. Criticisms should be overlooked. When one is mistreated grace and poise comes in handy. When she is older, she will walk into the room and people will stare but not because of her height. It is because of the confidence and the personality that can brighten the room anyday.

My friend is barely 5"0 and she's a sophomore in high school. She's the secretary for the high school student council and prior to that, was class president in grade school. Her height was made fun of but because of her overwhelming abilities it was thought to be part of the 'cool' package.

Your daughter will find that inner glow. She will struggle but once the prejudice of these people rubs off they will realize WHY YOUR DAUGHTER IS WHERE SHE IS TODAY.

How to deal with other people's comments?

No! I wouldn't ignore the rude comments! When your daughter is 6 years old, she is most likely to be hurt when her parents do not do anything to stand up for her. She is not like a teenager who might be embarrased at the extra attention, but for a 6 year old, hearing all these comments and not having parents who stand up for them wold make her feel like her have done something wrong, or you dont love her.

Good luck to your daughter! =)

How to deal with other people's comments?

i know as a parent this must be hard. you have to pick and choose which comments you respond to and which you ignore.

the lady at your daughter's graduation might not have meant to be rude-she was probably surprised thinking that your daughter was younger than the other kids and just more advanced for her age.

i have a 5 year old who is the energizer bunny times 10. she's is loud, hyper, and assertive. I've had to deal with comments for the past year about her "only having one volume" or people "needing a mute button" for her when she's around. It hurts my feelings and often I do say something. I don't want my daughter to be judged for something she can't control.

My second daughter is also 6 and had to be held back in school this year b/c her teacher last year gave up on trying to get her to pay attention in school. So this year, she is repeating kindergarten. Fortunately she is in a montessori and I have yet to encounter any comments (she is the oldest and tallest kid in class by a long shot). But I will be prepared if the moment should occur.

Just remember that your daughter will grow stronger through her experiences and while she is still young, you have the power to put a stop to the negativity, especially when it's mostly coming from adults (we should all know better). put a stop to the comments she will hear (this is most important) and stick up for her when you feel it's right. if the comments are mild and you know they aren't meant to cause harm, then you can brush those off.

good luck!!

How to deal with other people's comments?

Ok well you know that know one can pick theeir height I might sugest If it's geting reallyout of hand than mabey consider home schooling.It might inerfeir with sosoulization.But If you notice some depression than mabey a counsilerwill be in mindjust tell your daughter some people are short some are tall we can't pickourheightI'm sure shes eating good becasueif she dosen't eat properly that could be the problem. hope this helps youand your daughter.Jessie_

How to deal with other people's comments?

I would just say something like "I know she is a very petite thing isn't she?" I wouldn't listen to them. I would explain to her that she is one of a kind and to ignore their comments.

How to deal with other people's comments?

I know how she feels. I'm also made to feel like a second class citizen because of my weight, and I have the total opposite problem as your daughter.

I don't know if I'd be able to keep quiet if I heard people (especially adults) make rude comments. That's just ignorant. Maybe to the woman who made the comment of "I can't believe that little girl graduated", you could have tapped on her shoulder and said "Yes, she is a genius and they moved her ahead a couple of grades since she's so much smarter than the other kids". As long as she's happy and healthy, that's what matters.

How to deal with other people's comments?

Your daughter sounds like a truly lovely little lady.

Adults can be cruel towards other peoples children, can you imagine how they talk to their own or what they must say to them?

Next time you hear a remark maybe you could tell them, "Isn't she exceptional for her age she is excelling in every aspect of her life, especially school, thank you for noticing. I find myself quite lucky to be her mom".

It will leave them totally humiliated that they were caught speaking down about a child, but more so that her mom killed them with kindness.

How to deal with other people's comments?

i'd tell them that she is as beautiful as my mother her grandmother and say the doctors think so too. these gossippy women will start with little rude comments and then they will take it one step farther cps. i would never put up with anyone making rude comments about my child. when people asked me who the dark person in the family was about my child i said me. it stopped them short with the racist comment i was going to hear about 15 years ago. when people said she looked like a cute boy with blue clothing on i told them she was a beautiful young lady. all i can say is if you dont stand up for your own child then who will? i'll tell ya, noone. and the child will know it.

How to deal with other people's comments?

I say something. My daughter is the opposite, she is the tallest in the class. Though not fat she isn't exactly thin either.

The first thing almost every person says is "oh you are a big girl", "look how much you have grown" etc etc

My daughter is very self concious about this. That is the first thing out of my mouth as a response. I tell them "yes, I tell her that she received all the Swedish/German genes, and it bothers her sometimes but at least she gets to go on any roller coaster she wants." And people do get the hint. And some have corrected themselves, to say something more complementing about her height.

It bothers me very much because a girl is self-concious and others should not remark on her appearence.

How to deal with other people's comments?

You really just have to ignore, and teach your daughter the same. We had the opposite problem regarding size, people wondering why our little boy wasn't acting more 'mature' since he looked two or three years older than he was...

How to deal with other people's comments?

People come in all shapes and sizes but unfortunately a lot of people are just rude. You can't change her size, you did not cause it and you can't change it. You can't always defender her against dumb people. Saying things to people like that will do little to no good. If something is said in front of her, say something to your child but don't get down on the same level they are on. Just remember some people are the right size to play basketball and some people are the right size to be into gymnastics. I was always tall for my age and people always though I was older then I was.

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