Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Only Rich ppl are succesfully. Pls give your comments.?

I would really accept all types of comments. Thank you.

Only Rich ppl are succesfully. Pls give your comments.?

Money has nothing to do with success. Only the really really retarded believe that.

Only Rich ppl are succesfully. Pls give your comments.?

only rich people are sucessfull with lots of money

but that's pretty much it

that doesn't mean they necessarily have a job they like, family, friends, love, or happiness, peace, or balance

and altogether, that seems to me like a lot more than money can be worth

Only Rich ppl are succesfully. Pls give your comments.?

You have to remember that some of those rich people were once striving. They persevered and are now enjoying the fruits of their labor.

Only Rich ppl are succesfully. Pls give your comments.?

if you become successful you become rich

Only Rich ppl are succesfully. Pls give your comments.?

That is one definition of success; it isn't necessarily everyone's. Everyone needs to build his own definition, and then go for it.

Only Rich ppl are succesfully. Pls give your comments.?

I have a wonderful husband (who works hard and makes good money, but not a LOT)

I have a healthy baby boy who is so smart and beautiful it makes me cry if I think about it

I have a good family

I go to a great church

I have good friends

I'm also a stay at home mom, so I'm not rich in the monetary since, but I feel like the richest woman on Earth.

Only Rich ppl are succesfully. Pls give your comments.?


Only Rich ppl are succesfully. Pls give your comments.?

Example.....Paris Hilton is rich, is she successful, no, she has no aims in life other than being a party girl. Her money was inherited, had she gotten her money thru her talent as a movie actress or any other profession, then you could say she was successful. Therefore, being rich does not make you a success.

Only Rich ppl are succesfully. Pls give your comments.?

heath ledger was rich and successful, so was kurt cobian, look what that did for them

Only Rich ppl are succesfully. Pls give your comments.?

Success= achieving what you strived to achieve in life. And while some people think that they strive to have money, that's rarely genuinely the case.

Guy above me, those were a couple of low blows.

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