Monday, November 30, 2009

Should Hillary apologize to the Serbs for her degrading comments??

Hillary's comments about an independent Kosovo offended many, many Americans of European descent living in the U.S. I believe she has no regard for UN policies and procedures and makes unilateral comments like this without consideration and respect for the rights of other countries and peoples. Should Hillary apologize and drop out of the race in disgrace??

Should Hillary apologize to the Serbs for her degrading comments??

Billary Clinton apoligize?

You have got to be kidding.

Should Hillary apologize to the Serbs for her degrading comments??

same way obama should apologize to the Indians for his racist memo

Should Hillary apologize to the Serbs for her degrading comments??

The Serbs deserve no apologies. They are rabid nationalists, they had their chance to make nice, and they screwed it up. Tough on them.

Should Hillary apologize to the Serbs for her degrading comments??

Screw the Serbs, World War I was basically their fault anyway, they've always been trouble. Serbia needs to deal with the fact that they lost Kosovo and it was their own fault.

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