Saturday, November 28, 2009

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I need comments on this graffiti picture.. and wish that I get it quicklly and this is the graffiti pic so check out plz.

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It's actually very compelling and thought-provoking - like the graffiti shadow is maybe the homeless man's soul And is his heart missing? Very interesting.

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that is pretty cool.

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iz gud

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ummm.. well i'm blind of art so i would say not bad.

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wow that is tight its a pic of a man clearly showing his heart and someone appears to be lying perhaps someone homeless? its ironic this picture i like it

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it really says something

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white person graffiti

not to be streotypical but the man sports a huge beard and strangey hat.

what is the blanket??

large light heart in black exterior shows either hope or hidden love.

arrow in stomach??

why shoot this man who is so full of life??

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its nice... i guess. is there any significance between the wall painting and the guy on the ground?

the actual graffii doesn't really make sense to me. what is he reading? why is the heart the dominant factor? is he supposed to be old? why the cane? is he supposed to be an old guy, 'touched' by the bible or something?

just doesnt make sense to me. if the guy on the ground means something,.... then... still- doesnt make sense.

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Hello. I'll try to help you as photography is my passion and muse. First thing I'd recommend is to take it without someone being nearby, and then compose it more directly in the vertical. If the person is to add emphasis to the image, then I would zoom in and knock out some of the extraneous matter that does not add to the image. Assuming you want to use the image as it is, then I'd crop out the excess so there's context yet is more direct. Hope this helps.

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don't say graffiti its art, it is a classic art. i hope its on somewhere legal, not on people's property.

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gosh its hard to say. it looks like an old man holding a book and a walking cane. i think ts coincidence that the person is sleeping next to it, kinda a unusual pair

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great art, it's really great

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