Monday, November 30, 2009

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

Her biological mother knows about the comments (we've heard them talking) the mother told the step dad not to send them because she didn't want the district attorney at her door, but he sent them anyways. These comments, I guess, would have been normal from another teenager, but from a step father, it's made us wonder. She doesn't know we have seen them. These comments had pictures of cartoon characters playing with each other's private parts, nudity, just very sexual.

We have really been analysing everything this stepfather has ever said or done. What would you do?

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

I agree with the first answerer, though I would qualify what she said and say that what this girl's stepdad is engaging in is sexual solicitation of a minor- one of the hardest crimes to prove when it happens online, as it has in this case. I also have to wonder why in blazes you are even letting your stepdaughter ON Myspace in the first place- the two biggest sites for cyberpedophiles are Myspace and Facebook, which are sites for ADULTS, NOT CHILDREN. These days, one out of EVERY 5 children under 18 is sexually solicited online BEFORE they reach that age, and as you have found out, most of what happens isn't pretty. There are a lot of horror stories out there about girls your daughter's age who were raped or even murdered by men they met online who turned out be pedophiles and criminals. You need to get together with your daughter's birth mother and set some firm limits on her internet time, for her own safety, and STICK WITH THEM. If you don't, eventually your stepdaughter is going to get herself in serious trouble- and she could even end up in jail or DEAD.

And one other thought- even if these pictures had been sent by another teen, it would still have been considered sexual solicitation in the eyes of the law. These cartoons are in no way normal, nor are they appropriate for someone her age to be viewing. So I would agree to a large extent with the first writer- I think this girl's stepdad probably needs to see the inside of both a jail cell and the courthouse for a while, and he also needs to get some counseling and therapy to find out why it's so important to him that he behave this way. This is not normal behavior, and it's a sign of more serious things to come. My thinking is that the judge will probably order him to seek treatment and counseling, and he could wind up back in jail if he doesn't cooperate.

Good luck, and I hope both your step daughter and her stepdad get some help.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

This is sexual abuse. You need to call the police and have him arrested!

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

Report this to the police or children's services. This is abnormal and criminal behavior.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

Take the bastard to court.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

Get off of the computer and call the police.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

It is sexual harassment, he is breaking the law and with his own step daughter, sick. Call the cops on his @$$ and get him taken care of.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

I would print out the emails and talk to a lawyer.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

Call the cops!!!

He is a sexual predertor.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

I would have reported it as soon as I found out!

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

This is definately a reason for worry. I would definately question the girl, and contact the authorities either way. This is sexual abuse.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

I would get the police and cps involved. Also have your husband give all the documentation you have been analyzing to a lawyer.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

Be a good step mom, report him!!!!!!!!! what if hes messing around with her? the mom should step up, not just say dont send them cuz i dont want an attorney here... she should report him, but since shes married to him and loves him, she wont. tal kto your husband about it, then call together

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

It probably didn't start with cartoons on myspace. If you want to protect your daughter from this man and any other young girls for that matter-- you would do something about it yesterday.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

uh yeah, i would definitely call the police! send him to jail that's where he needs to be.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

THIS IS A BAD SITUATION.. HE NEEDS help and she needs protected. Call it in immediatly. KEEP evidence. HE may have done this before with others. ANY person of any age and sex doing this has a twisted mine messing with a girl. IT is niot excusable for a teen either, my opinion but is definatly not for a adult in charge of this gir. FAMILY can be held responsible for NOT reporting if it continues OR goes ON to next level. mamatx

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

That is Sick you should call the police and ask what can you do about it and who has custodial rights for this child go to a family district attorney and let them be aware of this. At least document this print it out put in your files so in case this keeps on happening you have your paperwork and show to authorities please make sure child is safe on the myspace and from stepfather!!! The mother is guilty just as the step father the sick part is that she is aware of it and hasnt done anything about it . Please take action on this before something happens to this child by stepfather mother sounds real strange? Who does the child live with ? I hope not mother if mother please watch for any signs with child and please do something before something happens step father needs to be evaluated my a Phys or Police!!

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

I would definitely report his actions to the police, both you AND her mother should. It is inappropriate for an adult to make comments like that to a minor, even in a "joking" manner.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

tell social services

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

Ok, everyone -- take a chill pill for a second. It could have easily been his idea of being "cool" or trying to be a pal, but it definitely stepped over the line. It doesn't sound like the biological mom has much control over the guy.

Was your stepdaughter upset? Did she laugh it off? Or was she uncomfortable with it? As you said, it would have been funny coming from another teenager.

Since the mom wasn't able to control the stepdad's behavior, I would take a copy of the MySpace page to an attorney and ask his advice. Barring that, I think that everyone -- both sets of parents -- need to sit down, away from the kids, and hammer this guy for his inappropriateness. Discuss it like grownups, but make sure he understands that if he pulls another stunt like this, the advice of your attorney is to press charges for third degree child molestation, using the internet to send pornography to a minor, and changes in child visitation, etc. He needs to be kicked in the azz for that stunt, especially since the mom told him not to!

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

Do you really need to ask what you should do?I mean if some adult man came to your house and was sharing this with your step daughter would you allow it? And since mom said she didnt want the district attorney at her door means he knows its wrong too.Call the police and get this girl out of there it isnt ok even if he is trying to be "cool" who here thinks it is cool to send your stepdaughter sexual type pictures??? Who cares if they are cartoon?

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

dont wait only god noes his next move call the cops and do something about it y r u online and on yahoo wen u should call the cops

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

call the police show them the comments and stuff dont let this go on something horrible could happen

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

REPORT HIM. and ground her from the internet for awhile. not because she did something wrong but to get her off the internet...and she should have told you, it must make her uncomfortable. or maybe she doesn't know its her dad???

anyways ur the parent...take some action!

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

I think you should tell the police

so he can be arrested.

What hes doing is very wrong!

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

You need to call the police, the girl's stepfather sounds like a pervert. Call the authorities and do something now before something awful happens to your step daughter.

My 14 yr old step daughter has gotten sexual MySpace comments from her step dad?

they could be just jokes

id continue watchign them, and keep an eye on what they say

if its anything that appears to be a sexual advance toward her, then you can take action against him.

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