Monday, November 30, 2009

Considering the oil companies comments...?

If you have been reading the comments made by the oil companies since 2003 as to why "they feel" they are justified to raise the gas prices the way they do for the "reasons" they claim they are justified for doing so, if you where their boss, would you except their comments/actions as justified or as nothing more than a bald face lie to try to justified ripping you off?

Considering the oil companies comments...?

I don't think there is any justification for the prices on oil and it seems that we have been conditioned to accept these lame, obviously false statements which is why we keep getting stuck. In our state there is a law that says that you can only sell gasoline already in the tank of a station for the percentage based on the wholesale price of the gasoline when it was delivered. When the oil companies have one of those price raising holidays that they do so often now, the stations raise the price on a gallon of gas, already in the ground and purchased at a previously much lower price, for the new higher prices. Sometimes the price of the gallons, already there, are raised four or five times in a day. That is total windfall profit. I live in a state totally dominated by the Democratic Party from the state house to the legislature and they are not speaking up. The oil companies have some really lame excuses for these raises and we have come to accept them and so it goes on. When the CEO of Exxon retired last year his golden parachute was over 450 million dollars based on his bringing those profits to the company. Those profits were fifty cents to a dollar increases on each gallon of gas purchased at last years wholesale price, so of course the profits were hideous. There is no one in government to stop this, and this does not require an anti Bush rant, there is no one at all stopping it, Dem or Rep. And now, gas companies are again advertising their fuels on television as though it makes some difference in a brand. Tobacco money corrupted government and media pretty thoroughly and the silence and lack of action killed millions. The silence by media and officials today is costing us billions of dollars, lost jobs and loss in the quality of life. There is no justification for the pricing patterns and they don't even make sense. It is bald faced corruption done right out in front of everyone and those who have the power to call the oil industry to task are mute.

Considering the oil companies comments...?

What is the point in asking about 'if you were their boss'? Because, who is the boss of the oil company's? If anything they are the boss of us. Oil is their product. They have the right to charge whatever they want for it, unfortunately. And yes, wow do I get mad when I see the price going up. But there isn't anything I can do to the oil company other than, buy less oil. That's the only way to get the price to come down. Welcome to the reality of being a consumer.

Considering the oil companies comments...?

Absolutely not. They are just ripping us off. They are rolling in extra money since the Iraq war started.

This is more about environmental concerns, but you can probably read about their nauseating profits:

Considering the oil companies comments...?

It's good that gas prices are high. The higher the better.

If gas prices stay low there would be no incentive to consever, or create more efficent cars.

I wish gas cost $5 a gal. The economy is going to be hurt sometime...whether it's now or when globe warming starts to make huge problems.

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