Monday, November 30, 2009

MySpace friend adders and mass comments?

What can I download to send mass comments on myspace? (The same comment to everyone on my friends list at the same time)

And, what is the fastest way to get friends on the roleplay myspace community, other than w4w?

MySpace friend adders and mass comments?

you can get a lot of adds fast

MySpace friend adders and mass comments? but you have to pay for that, other than that i don't know too much about those friend adders and mass comments.

But what i do know is that you will get deleted if you mass comment to all yr friends, because i think its considered as "spamming" not sure.

%26amp; i dont know, about the friend adders either, but i see everyone use that almost.

fastest way to get friends on the roleplay thing??? umm, im not sure what you mean by that, but um i'd say just add people, by browsing or something. Thats really the only safe way to not get yr account deleted i would say.


apply to get on "trains" there good for getting people to add you.

just go to "groups" on myspace and go look at the category section and choose like "fashion or style" something like that, and you should see a ton of trains, i think because they used to be popular now i dont see much people doing them anymore, i don't do them anymore.

well thats all i have to say really.

i hope this helped!


MySpace friend adders and mass comments?


Use it at night and dont stop adding till you get to 500 adds.

Im a member of Myspace's Security Squad.

I recommend if your looking for adds, then this is by far the best way.

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